A list of streets included in the 2024-25 Street Improvement Program is available here.
The treatments on this listing, as defined in the Pavement Management Plan, are defined below:
- Full Reconstruction - Reconstruction consists of the partial or full removal of the existing pavement structure. The scope would also include concrete curb and sidewalk removal and replacement where warranted, drainage improvements, and sod restoration.
- Modified Reconstruction - Streets categorized for reconstruction that are lower volume residential streets, that are determined to have a base course that is stable and sufficient for the use of the street, and can be considered for patching and a structural overlay reconstruction instead of full pavement replacement.
- Corrective Resurfacing - Corrective resurfacing consists of surface replacement that provides for the removal of the existing asphalt pavement surface and replacement with a new asphalt pavement surface. Localized base repairs consisting of pavement patching where necessary, concrete curb and sidewalk removal and replacement where warranted, drainage improvements, and sod restoration.
The listing of streets is subject to change.